
Law Firm CRM Importance to Criminal Defense Attorneys – The National Law Review

Thursday, December 2, 2021

No matter how passionate you are about advocating for your clients as a criminal defense attorney, there never seems to be enough time in a day to do as m…….

Thursday, December 2, 2021

No matter how passionate you are about advocating for your clients as a criminal defense attorney, there never seems to be enough time in a day to do as much as you’d like to do. Despite your best intentions, you’re often fighting the clock and grappling with a lack of resources as you struggle to keep up with the volume of work that a criminal defense lawyer has on their plate.

Because of the substantial workload, it can prove difficult to spend as much time on each individual matter as you’d like. The photocopies, the data entry, and all of the administrative tasks that it takes to run a criminal law practice can eat up your day in no time.

Biggest Challenges That Criminal Defense Lawyers Face

Balancing Potential Clients With Retained Clients

One of the most common reasons why legal clients grumble about their lawyers is because they feel that they don’t communicate enough. And the complaints are hardly unmerited. Statistics show that the average law firm has an impressively low response rate. A recent study showed that as few as 30% of all of the law firms contacted answered the phone. If you put yourself in the shoes of a potential client, it’s incredibly frustrating if you can’t even get someone on the phone when you’re looking for a lawyer. Yet, from a lawyer’s perspective, it’s not always simple to stop everything and pick up the phone. With so much going on in a legal practice, finding the time to balance your pain clients with your potential ones can be a downright headache. Yet, the new clients are the backbone of your legal practice. Without them, you would cease to continue to generate revenue. So, since you can’t clone yourself to have enough manpower to get it all done, the next best thing is to rely on technology to take care of your potential clients for you. In turn, you can focus your energy on your retained clients.

Competing Law Firms

When it comes to dominating the legal market, having a presence on Google is king. Statistics show that over half of Google users use it specifically for searching for businesses. So, people looking for a criminal defense lawyer go to the first place they know to go— the internet. The most successful criminal defense lawyers are the ones that show up on the first page. It doesn’t matter if you’re the best criminal defense lawyer in the …….
